Scientific Seminars

Scientific seminars, medical conference and other research-based symposiums can include extra elements compared to regular hybrid events such as poster tours.

Our team is your partner from the inception to the delivery. Project management, API integration for automated data transfers, production preparation, we are your trusted technical partner.

Our talented marketing team helps you define, build and distribute communication and marketing material, from printed visuals to advertising videos.

scientific seminars

Suggested venues

Not sure where to host your Scientific Seminars? EPEAK Studio is committed to helping you find the perfect space for your gathering. Whether you’re looking for a large-scale venue or a more intimate setting, rest assured our team will find the most ideal options for your event. Below are places we’ve previously booked for our clients

Scientific Seminars we delivered

The European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) takes the ESCAIDE conference virtual for the first time. EPEAK Studio helps turn the challenge into a resounding [...]
escaide 2021 hybrid event
Our remote producers interface with the local AV to produce the ultimate hybrid experience with on-site and remote speakers [...]
Escaide 2022 Hybrid Event Conference
We produce and manage this hybrid event with multilanguage streaming from multiple rooms at the same time, featuring a mix of on-site and remote speakers. [...]
Hybrid events
We provide event app support, poster tours support and handle the recording, streaming and editing of content for a medical conference in Barcelona. During the [...]
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