Hybrid events made easy

It's easy to have remote speakers

Hybrid conference AV is slightly more complex than traditional conference AV.

With a mix of remote and onsite speakers, you need an AV workflow you can trust to ensure seamless communication between them.

EPEAK Studio works with your speakers to help them prepare for their hybrid intervention. We also deploy a team of specialized technicians on site to operate your conference AV and ensure a flawless appearance of remote speakers.

hybrid conference AV hybrid event two way conversation with remote speaker

Expert hybrid conference AV services

Project remote speakers on stage

With our advanced hybrid conference AV systems, you can bring your remote speakers on stage.

We display remote speakers on your projected screens or LED walls for the on-site audience to see. In addition, your on-site speakers can see the remote speaker through confidence monitors.

Our seamless two-way hybrid communication system allows remote and on-site speakers to have fluid conversations as if everyone was in the same room.

Your event AV as good as broadcast TV

With EPEAK Studio's production services, you can expect your AV to be as good as broadcast TV.

In addition to adding remote speakers with ease, we operate arrays of multiple cameras.  Our experienced production crew carefully selects and mixes different camera angles live during the production.

We show close up of your speakers on the big screen and simultaneously produce an entertaining livestream of your remote viewers.

Tell us what your dream production looks like!

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