Stage Layout Ideas For Hybrid Events

Producing your first hybrid event can feel daunting, as you’re not only responsible for a live audience but also those tuning in remotely.

Working with the EPEAK team means you’ll have the support you need to ensure everything runs flawlessly. However, planning your event layout beforehand is a great starting point. Here are some stage layout ideas for hybrid events:

Classic or modern stage layout?

For starters, are you sticking to a traditional set-up or looking to spice things up?

A traditional or classic set-up usually consists of a stage or front area where the speaker(s) will stand and face their audience. This may include one or two presentation screens placed on either side of the presenter.

The two images below are examples of classic layouts for hybrid events produced by EPEAK

Classic set-up with screens on both sides of stage
Classic set-up with screens on both sides of stage
Another classic set-up with single presentation screen
Another classic set-up with single presentation screen

If your event involves speakers debating a topic, a modern set-up might be the way to go.

This type of layout invites you to get creative. For example, you can have the speakers sitting at a table and facing one another with the audience watching from behind (as depicted in the image below).

A modern set-up may be trickier to set up, but could better complement the theme of your event or simply help make it stand out.

Modern set-up with audience watching speakers from behind.
Modern set-up with audience watching speakers from behind.

Multiple Camera Angles

Remember that the people watching from home are stuck in a 2D world, so you want to make the event as interesting for them as the people getting to physically experience it.

Having multiple cameras set up will allow them to view the speakers, the other attendees and the venue itself. This will keep your remote audience entertained. It also helps them feel less like they’re missing out by not being there.

Various camera angles can include wide angle, close-up and audience view
Various camera angles can include wide angle, close-up and audience view

The number of cameras needed will depend on the size of your event.
For example, if you’re producing a larger event, you will most likely need a couple of cameras in the front, the middle and the back. The EPEAK team will help you figure that out.
However, reserving a little space for them is something to keep in mind.

Get creative with your camera angles

Tip: make sure to find creative ways to monetize your VOD content or livestreams with sponsorship packages giving exposure through this medium.

These will pay for your production needs!

Audience Distancing

When it comes to setting up the seating you want to ensure that you’re leaving enough space between the rows so your guests can comfortably pass over one another to get to their chairs.

In a classic set-up where you have many rows of seating, it is a good idea to create a corridor down the middle.
In general, you want to make it as comfortable as possible for your audience members to get in and out of the seats/room.

Spacing helps with comfort and can be important for public health regulations compliance

Finally, make sure that the people in the last few rows are close enough that they can still make out what’s written on the presentation screens.
As a general rule, the screens should be visible to all guests, so that if for whatever reason their view is obstructed and they can’t see the speaker(s), they can still follow along.

Thinking Outside The Box

Think of events you’ve attended in the past. What made them memorable? What could have made them great?

Think of fun ways to keep your audience engaged. For example, if you’re producing a conference with multiple speakers, perhaps having various small rooms with presentations going on simultaneously, is a more interesting choice than having everyone in one big room for hours.

This allows your guests to pick and choose the presentations they’d like to attend. It also allows them to move around between speakers. 

Large rooms are best suited for top-down communication or corporate announcements

Think about the theme of your event and what layout could make the information being presented more captivating for your audience.

For example, if you have multiple speakers debating a topic, perhaps a roundtable approach is a good way to create a fly-on-the-wall feel for your live spectators and a more visually compelling set-up for your remote viewers.  

Smaller rooms with a round table help spark conversations around engaging topics
Smaller rooms with a round table help spark conversations around engaging topics

We hope these tips will help you come up with the perfect layout for your production. The EPEAK team looks forward to working with you soon!